Lot owners are invited to join the next FFCA meeting on Zoom. If you are not the owner, you may help your partner or spouse get on Zoom, but we ask you to please refrain from asking questions. Owners will be respectful and will be muted during the first part of the meeting.
At the conclusion of the meeting, there will be a question and comment time. Please limit your time speaking to about 2 minutes. If you want your question/comment to be printed in the minutes, please email it to ffcahawaii@gmail.com with your name at the close of the meeting, and before the following Tuesday after the meeting.
Board Meetings are open to all Members-in-Good-Standing, i.e, property owners who are up to date on their road fees. Please visit our Events Page for dates and times. Meetings may not be held due to a holiday or lack of quorum. Meetings can always be attended virtually, via Zoom. If a Member doesn’t have internet, Zoom does have a dial in option. When possible, meetings are held at the community lot on Ala Kapena. Members can call the office or check our Facebook Page for updates or questions. If you would like to login with a landline phone, please call the office at (808) 968-9070 or send an email to ffcahawaii@gmail.com. Welcome all owners! Mahalo.
To join a Zoom Board Meeting (by computer or smartphone), go to:
To call in by telephone, please dial 720-707-2699 (toll free) and enter the meeting ID when prompted:
Meeting ID#: 891 6197 6753
Please send us a message and we will be back in touch as soon as possible. Mahalo!
11-2864 Ala Kapena St.
Mountain View, HI 96771
Monday: 10 am - 2 pm
Wednesday: 12 pm - 4 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm